Article 6419

Title of the article



Mkrtchyan Ani Davidovna, Assistant, sub-department of civil law and procedure, Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship (branch of the Don State Technical University in Shakhty) (147, Shevchenko street, Shakhty, Rostov region, Russia), E-mail:
Valuyskov Nikolay Viktorovich, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of civil law and procedure, Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship (branch of the Don State Technical University in Shakhty) (147, Shevchenko street, Shakhty, Rostov region, Russia), E-mail:
Bondarenko Lyubov' Viktorovna, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of civil law and procedure, Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship (branch of the Don State Technical University in Shakhty) (147, Shevchenko street, Shakhty, Rostov region, Russia), E-mail:
Khlgatyan Anna Akopovna, Student, Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship (branch of the Don State Technical University in Shakhty) (147, Shevchenko street, Shakhty, Rostov region, Russia), E-mail: 

Index UDK





Background. The issue of raising the degree of criminal tension in the country remains one of the highest priority today. This is facilitated by many different socioeconomic and socio-political factors. However, oddly enough, the most acute angle in solving this problem is the fragmentation and insufficiency of the existing criminal policy. Violation of the integrity of the criminal policy system, which occurs due to the presence of the factor of instability and entropy of anti-criminal rulemaking, effectively negates all efforts to overcome real crime. The systematic nature of criminal policy is reflected not only in an excessive amount of punitive and preventive tools, but also in artificial deterrence of criminal policy through anti-criminal regulation and an excessive emphasis on improving legislation on responsibility for the crime committed. Since the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation came into force on January 1, 2018, it has undergone 196 changes, the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation - 211, and the PEC of the Russian Federation has postponed 81 amendments. One gets the impression that when reforming codified normative legal acts, the effectiveness of relevant draft laws is significantly inferior to the place of activity with which they are adopted. Such a low level of stability of criminal policy caused most of the problems and led some experts to the conclusion of the immediate recodification of anti-criminal legislation.
Materials and methods. The work analyzes the content and factor complex of the criminal policy, unreasonably requisitioned questions of the spiritual and moral state of society. Analyzed and compared regulatory documents at all levels.
Results. There is no element of cooperation between experts of the departments of criminal law and criminology, and the algorithm for adopting anti-criminalistic and criminal laws does not provide for expert-consultative discussions with representatives of the social and spiritual spheres: educators, theologians, philosophers, mathematicians, psychologists, lawyers.
Conclusions. As a result of the research, it can be concluded that the systematic nature of criminal policy, supported by complex efforts to correct the spiritual and moral defects inherent in a person, is really capable of solving its main task, namely, to reduce the crime rate. It justifies the need to create, under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation, a commission dealing with criminal policy issues, whose activities will be aimed at finding, developing and implementing alternative concepts using mathematical modeling methods of criminal law and law enforcement practice.  

Key words

criminal policy, social structure, asystem 

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